Friday, March 10, 2006

Kind begets kind

Mike’s comments have really resonated with me. They have stirred me to think differently about what moves me and how to describe it. For instance, I have been meditating on Ps. 33 for the past three weeks. It’s just stuck in my mind and I keep going back to it and unsure why. I keep staring at it like a puzzle expecting the solution will all of a sudden be revealed.

Verse 4 – “For the word of the Lord is upright, and all His work is done in faithfulness” – has been the main verse of late to stick in my crawl. I can intellectualize about this verse, connecting Father’s word and work which carries this theme for several more verses, but that doesn’t satisfy the spiritual hunger this verse has been causing me. So I ask myself, “Why does this verse speak to me?” Especially since I’m struggling through, “What it is saying?” What experiences have I gone through cause me to focus on this specific verse. With Father, I also have to ask, “Is He going to take me through some experiences in the near future that will answer these questions?” (The answer is probably both.) I don’t have the answers yet. However, when I meditate on Scripture this way it helps provide more substance than just a quick nifty – emotional experience.

Then it causes me to think of the author. What was David feeling when he wrote this? What experiences motivated him to write this? What was Father doing in his life at the time he wrote this? How did he experience and relate to Father?

As I wed the intellectual knowledge of the Word with my experience, I grow and the Word becomes a part of me. I believe it is an art to experience something from the hand of God, receive revelation, and then adequately describe it. Kind begets kind. Mind speaks to mind. Heart speaks to heart. Spirit speaks to spirit. Peace.


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