Monday, April 03, 2006

The Miracle of Dialog

I have been thinking lately about this blog thing. What is the purpose? What is my purpose? I really don’t enjoy writing. I’ve journaled, off and on, for years and rarely go back for review. I struggle to convey my spirit in the writing. I feel that I more often miss it than hit it. The blog adds a new dimension. I publish my private thoughts for open dialog and process. Obviously, the thoughts come with limitation because the format requires certain boundaries that intimate relationships afford.

So, I use this limited format to grow. My intention is not to grow as a writer, as the evidence reveals. I have read plenty of soul stirring works. My purpose is to stir my spirit and perhaps another’s. In the process of articulating my heart I find that I identify what are formerly globs of thoughts and feelings – faceless impressions. This is a difficult task for me. Oh, how I covet this ability in others. I know what I feel and think, but to give it a name is entirely a different process.

The work, then, is me. As I grow, I will be able to express that growth in a more palatable way. Blogging is the format that allows you, faithful friend, to assist me in accomplishing this. The dialog makes the difference, “as iron sharpens iron . . .” The heading, “my message (blog) was not with persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit” aptly describes the process. It is only by the Spirit’s intervention that the message (blog) is demonstrated – the Spirit working in me and you. In truth the bog is more than words. I believe dialog is a connection between people which is where the growth occurs.


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