Friday, April 14, 2006


Last night one of my clients was in crisis. She made a statement that riveted me into the past when I asked the same thing of someone else. “I can’t make the decision right now. You make the decision for me.” I was jolted back and in a breath my mind displayed several thoughts at once. Simultaneously, I thought of my circumstances that provoked such comment to the one I love at the same time thinking of all the negative possibilities if I answer such a question.

What is the answer to this?
What if I’m wrong?
What if she does what I say and something bad happens?
What if she does what I say and later after the emotion has died and she doesn’t like my answer she sues me?
(I know… my thoughts are so deep.)

In these few seconds, I also prayed.

The mind is an amazing instrument. How can anyone, with a straight face, propose evolution?

This woman and her child have no one. Think about it. NO ONE! How can such people survive? How do they cope with life? I guess the obvious answer is: not very well. She needed someone to come along side (sound familiar?) and help her off the roof.

Not too long ago, I was on a roof. I was so overwhelmed that I could not think coherent thoughts. I turned to the one I love and said the same thing. He didn’t blink. I don’t know what went through his mind in the split second after I asked this – probably a prayer. He came along side and carried me. This is covenant.

Come to think about it, this guy pulled me off many a roof. Now that's covenant!


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