Friday, April 14, 2006

First Day of Spring

I resumed having my quiet time on the deck today. This time on the deck is such a crucial part of my sanity; how do I manage in the off season? The movement of nature…the breathing of nature…the heartbeat of nature…I just can’t describe what it is that quiets my soul. I can sit in my office and pray and read and never attain what I’m talking about with just a single hour on the deck. Even the neighbor’s mowing didn’t disturb me.

I let my mind flow out all the pent up thoughts and feelings. I’m a dog who has rapped his chain around the clothes line pole. This is Father’s way of unhooking the chain and letting me run free.

You may ask, “Wasn’t the first day of Spring March 20th?” I know…I’m a month behind. My goodness, the trees have leaves on them already! And I need to mow! I have been going at breakneck speed and have taken few days off during the last quarter. Today would have been day 10 in a stretch of work days. My quarter is littered with such stretches. Father in His wisdom commanded a Sabbath. I in my foolishness disregarded it and am paying the consequences. (I initially started typing “recommended” and quickly changed it. Let a man speak and he will reveal his heart.)

This solitude, enjoying the time with Father, is my medication. It quiets my mind and heart. It feeds me for the days challenges. How does anyone survive without such time with Father.


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