Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Paul's Prayer

I regularly pray this for other people but today I prayed it for my self.

O God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
grant to me a spirit of wisdom and revelation in experiencing Jesus. May the eyes of my heart be enlightened, so that I will understand what is the hope of Your calling, the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of Your power toward me as I believe.

Then I prayed:

Thank you, O God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
for granting to me a spirit of wisdom and revelation in experiencing Jesus. Thank you that my heart-eyes have been enlightened and I understand what is the hope of Your calling, the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in the saints, and surpassing greatness of Your power toward me as I believe.

If Father doesn’t give me revelation for everything, if I can’t sense His presence and assistance in walking in the prepared beforehand good works, all that I do is vanity. The truth is He has promised all of this in Christ. That’s His part of the covenant. My part is putting myself, by faith, in a position to receive. The subtle difference between the two prayers is that one is asking and the other is receiving something He has promised He would give. What’s that? Paul prayed the first way? The attitude can be the same in both prayers – either one of anticipation and expectation or one of begging and pleading. We have all we need in Christ Jesus our Lord right now.



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