Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Propensity of the Flesh

I find it interesting how my flesh does everything it can to squirm out of dying. This is the ultimate end of my flesh so why does it prolong the inevitable? I am very good at not dying. Even to the extent that I will make great sacrifices in the pretense of death but avoid it in the end. Some of my greatest hardships were actually the hand of God directing me to Him. I in ignorance was rebuking the devil only to hear my Father’s voice tenderly say, “That’s Me, son.”

A friend e-mailed me the other day to disclose some issues that he has been dealing with. He has his plan to prevent relapse and that is fine and good and all; however, it is easy to offer up the sacrifice of time, plans, hard work, and determination and still not offer up the heart, keeping back a little for ourselves. Ananias and Sapphira did this and the consequence was the ultimate sacrifice. They pretended to give it all. We are a little better at self-deception than that, all the while thinking that we are doing great service, beating our chest and piously performing, “Have mercy on me, a sinner.” I am grateful that Father doesn’t make an example out of me. He tenderly, lovingly leads me along to my death. It’s all about dying in myself and living in Him. Paul said, “I die daily.” And Galatians 2:20, “ I have been crucified with Christ; and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” Father orchestrates the circumstances in my life to flush out the flesh. The circumstances are just the bird dog that is pointing and waiting for the Master’s signal. In time we see our fleshliness and have a decision to give it all to the Master or keep a little back for ourselves.

I work with kids who do this all the time. However, they are in their mind giving their all. It is only with the pressure and intensity of the circumstances does the truth come to light. “The mills of God’s justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.” The truth always comes to the top. I don’t believe that they are intentionally trying to deceive (some of them); they are operating in the measure that they know. Through time and pressure, God reveals to a greater extent the areas of flesh that they need to sacrifice.

And such is the same for us. The truth is I do this all the time. I am grateful that the Spirit knows my heart; and even when I am deceived, He can and does reveal this to me. At that moment of revelation we have a decision to make. May Father give us the ability to make the right decision. I am excited for my friend. This is just another chapter in his life that God is taking him deeper and making him more like Christ. Peace.


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