Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And There Was Light

Well, the wait is over. Electricity was restored the night before last. It is amazing the toll on the body for displacement. I'm tired and feel a cold coming on. The ice is melted with only traces of snow left as well as the broken trees. There are still many in the region without electricity. For them I pray God's speed to their deliverance. In a small way I got a taste of those who suffered and are still suffering from Hurricane Katrina. This was only a miniscule portion of their suffering. Mine was an inconvenience but for some of them it was total loss. However, being touched like this has given me an experiential appreciation for the small convenience in life.


Blogger Eric said...

I understand the loss of electricity; primarily from hurricanes, but I've never had to weather the freezing temps you have. I think everyone got a wake up call with Katrina... and with 9'11... but sadly the nation seems to quite adept at rolling over and hitting the snooze button.

Praise God you have power back. And thank you for reminding me I should not forget these others who presently do without. It's easy to forget about these things when ones plate is full.

I see you have e-Sword linked. Wonderful program, is it not?

Thanks for stopping by my place.

12:22 AM  
Blogger brent said...

Hey E,

I've been reading after you for some time now and have thoroughly enjoyed you perspective and insights. I found you through Daddio who I found through Jack H. I used to live in Izard Co. so I shop at D's place from time to time.

I was down in S. Miss. for a time after Katrina and witnessed the devastation. There is a different energy working there in the midst of it than experiencing it first hand. Mine was miner but still there was an emotional exhaustion.

Excellent program!

11:21 PM  

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