Friday, February 02, 2007


Live out Thy life within me, O Jesus, King of kings!
Be Thou Thyself the answer to all my questionings;
Live out Thy life within me, in all things have Thy way!
I, the transparent medium, Thy glory to display.

The temple has been yielded, and purified of sin,
Let Thy Shekinah glory now shine forth from with within,
And all the earth keep silence, the body henceforth be
Thy silent, gentle servant, moved only as by Thee.

Its members every moment held subject to Thy call,
Ready to have Thee use them, or not be used at all,
Held without restless longing, or strain, or stress, or fret,
Or chafings at Thy dealings, or thoughts of vain regret.

But restful, calm and pliant, from bend and bias free,
Awaiting Thy decision, when Thou hast need of me.
Live out Thy life within me, O Jesus, King of kings!
Be Thou the glorious answer to all my questionings.

Frances R. Havergal (1836-1879).

Daughter of hym­nist William Havergal, Frances was a bright but short lived can­dle in Eng­lish hym­no­dy. She was bap­tized by hym­nist John Ca­wood. She was read­ing by age four, and be­gan writ­ing verse at age se­ven. She learned La­tin, Greek and He­brew, and mem­o­rized the Psalms, the book of Isai­ah, and most of the New Test­a­ment.
Born: De­cem­ber 14, 1836, Ast­ley, Wor­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land.
Died: June 3, 1879, Cas­wall Bay, near Swan­sea, Wales.
Buried: Ast­ley, Wor­ces­ter­shire, Eng­land, the ci­ty of her birth. On her tomb­stone was the Script­ure verse she claimed as her own:
The blood of Je­sus Christ cleans­eth us from all sin.1 John 1:7

I was looking for another hymn when I found this one and information on the author. Quite fascinating, wouldn’t you agree?


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