Saturday, March 03, 2007


Tonight H and I went to see Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce. It was entertaining. There were some historical misrepresentations but the movie was not bad overall. It is amazing how Hollywood has to get their digs in about the war and other social issues. The one thing I don’t like is how they will portray the story from our eyes today instead of telling the story of history in its historical context. They did portray him as a religious man and a man of faith. I tend to want more of the spiritual side of the story but was impressed with how they didn’t downplay the role his relationship with God on his convictions. This is pretty impressive for Hollywood.

Overall, the most impressive thing about the story to me was that Wilberforce obviously had a calling on his life and the conviction to carry it out. It kind of made me feel small but everyone isn’t called to be the point man. For almost 20 years he submitted bill after bill to abolish the slave trade. He stuck to his convictions even when others were telling him not to. He lived to see the abolishment of the slave trade and saw the beginnings of the abolishment of slavery which occurred shortly after his death. The man was an inspiration. It causes me to consider my own life and what purpose God has for me. One line that I liked was when Wilberforce was consulting with his mentor, John Newton. Newton said that God doesn’t always speak with the mighty thunder storm but with slow, light drizzle, one drop at a time. What I take from this that I need to listen and be obedient daily. And out of this my purpose and calling will be manifest. Another thought I had was that my greatest purpose is that of being a father. As I invest in my children, they will in turn invest in the people God puts in their lives, as well as their children. The investment will grow and the stone will become a mountain. When it comes down to it, the only thing that really matters is what does Father think and is He pleased.


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