Wednesday, August 22, 2007


He knows that everything past has moved to bring him here.

It is amazing how we are really not in control but live under the cloud of delusion that says we are. We are ants that squirm under the magnifying glass of a child, frantically trying to get away before we burn up.

Is there any hope? Is there any peace? Are we mindless insects going busily about our day with blinders? I think not. I think the purpose we have is that which Father gives us. We are only complete when we find our completeness in Him and acknowledge Him. And He, being the Author and Finisher of our faith, orchestrates our paths to bring us to Him. We somehow know this deep in our souls. We have some kind of God-programming that acknowledges our Maker. Even the atheist shows his belief by what he argues against – he exposes himself by opening his mouth.

Deep down we recognize that there is purpose and direction in our lives. Everything happens for a reason. And we are not required to figure it out but rather to live it out – to overcome – to grow.

We are but jars of clay that crack and break and fade away. Who are we to say to the Potter, “Why did you make me like this?” He knows what we need to accomplish His purposes in us. He wastes nothing. Even the hounds of Hell chase us to Him.

I have a bad habit of focusing on the negative. This morning in my quiet time I was discussing my failures with the Lord. I can be gruff in presentation. I can say things the wrong way that doesn’t really convey my heart. The Lord says, “Look how far you’ve come.” But I reply, “But look how far I have to go.” And again I hear the faint voice of Elder John, “Yard by yard life is hard; inch by inch life’s a synch.” And my heart says to Jesus, “I must follow you.”


Blogger brent said...

"must" in the sense of compelled not required. Jesus wants lovers not slaves.

11:35 AM  

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