Monday, August 13, 2007


Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols.

Jeremiah 10:14

In reviewing my pastor’s message from yesterday, I came across this verse while looking at the context of his passage. What struck me about it is that we are all goldsmiths producing something. We all have what is important to us which will produce either shame or honor. Often the product is the same, but only the intent of our heart makes the difference. The irony here is that the goldsmith manipulates heat and pressure to make his product. It is heat and pressure that makes both the shameful or honorable goldsmith. The other point that struck me was that the product of our work will expose our heart. Our labors project our character.


Blogger Living in Memphis said...

It is heat and pressure that makes both the shameful or honorable goldsmith. The other point that struck me was that the product of our work will expose our heart. Our labors project our character.

"The product of our heart will expose our heart. Our labors project our character." What a true statement. I feel like David after Nathan said, "Thou art the man." I must examine my labor, my product, my heart. Correction! Examining the first two, reveal the heart. The resounding question ringing in my ears is, "What am I producing?"

Thanks for being a solid whet stone upon which I may become sharpened.

8:54 PM  
Blogger brent said...

Another bit of irony is that we are currently experiencing a heat wave here. 102 degrees! I can feel the weight of it even indoors.

The temptation is to become performance based. We labor, He produces. Without Him we can do nothing.



10:47 PM  

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