Sunday, August 05, 2007

Emotional Responsibility

Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

When I admit to a wrong I am taking personal responsibility. When I own the behavior I am taking emotional responsibility. If I become defensive and blame others or circumstances I am not taking emotional responsibility even if I accept the consequences for my behavior or admit I was wrong. When I admit wrong doing but give rationalization or become defensive, this is not taking emotional responsibility. If I only admit wrong when I am exposed, I am not being emotionally responsible. Emotional responsibility is not only admitting wrong doing and making amends but accepting internally the fact of the disharmony a particular event has caused and only considering the individual’s part in the harmonization process without any regard of the responsibility of others.

Emotional responsibility at its root is about personal growth in the whole person – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. It completely and thoroughly owns oneself. It is more than focusing on what is wrong but striving for what is right regardless of who is watching or what the consequences.


Blogger Unknown said...


I did not realize that this is your blog until this morning. I even linked over to it last night before I realized it was yours. I am enjoying reading it. Your focus is much more on the spiritual side than mine is.

8:20 AM  

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