Monday, August 13, 2007


The political game sickens me. Politics and government are not the answer to anything. You cannot spend your way out of problems but must have the wisdom to address issues effectively. We cannot police thoughts or motives. That is the business of God and conscience. I cannot control what others say because it hurts my feelings. This silly bantering and positioning for power troubles me. We ignore the issues while we strain at swallowing knats.

I came across Newt Gingrich on TV yesterday and found what he said refreshing. He has grown as a person and politician it seems. There was a maturity about his approach that had substance. I believe he has a grasp on the situation and presents it as optimistically yet realistically as possible. It is more than sound bites to stir the emotion or provoke fear but substance that focuses on solutions. The status quo is not good enough and will not resolve the issues of today. Name calling and devaluing others are not effective in solving today’s problems.

I tend to stay away from political conversations because they are really not conversations. One has to listen to another and strive for mutual understanding for the conversation to be complete. Politics are not the answer. Christian activism will not bring in the Kingdom of God. I am not saying Christians shouldn’t be involved. It is only as we rely on the Holy Spirit in each specific situation can we demonstrate what it is to be Christ-like. He has the solutions for every situation we face. As I recall, Christ was a draw to the sinner because He had solutions to their questions. We seem to bring judgment and condemnation to the table and require others to be like us before we accept them. Jesus accepted others before He required change. As a matter of fact, it seems His love and acceptance of others provoked change. Acceptance does not mean agreement. Tolerance does not mean acceptance. We must value each other as God values us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am liking your blog dedicated to the Lord! Mine is too. Keep up the good work!

4:18 PM  
Blogger brent said...

Thanks for stopping by, BC. Browse around and give me some feedback. I hope you get as much out of your blog as I have mine.



10:44 PM  

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