Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Belly God

Why is it, that we crave what isn’t good for us and even harmful? The body will naturally crave what it is allergic to. For instance, alcoholics are often hypoglycemic. Personally, I love night shades but they don’t sit well on my stomach. It seems there is something in human nature that wants what it shouldn’t have. Could the Fall have effected us on a molecular level?

I have learned that you can develop cravings over time and with exposure. It seems that our cravings are pliable. We can produce positive or negative cravings by time and exposure. While changing our eating habits a few years ago, my wife and I learned that we could change what our kids found tasteful. My son craves a salad everyday for at least a couple of his meals. Raw cheese is preferred over the chemical laden non-organic variety. I have found that I can expand my taste in music by spending time listening to a variety of styles. Rap isn’t music, right? I could also address cravings and preference from a sexual nature if I were not so modest. But you get the idea.

It seems that to crave what is good, wholesome, and right takes work. Preferences are not set in stone. However, that doesn’t mean they are easily changed. The question remains then is why change them at all if that is how we are naturally inclined? Why would God make us this way? What purpose would He have in putting in us natural desires that He would want us to change? Could it be that He wants us to grow and develop by facing challenges to our thinking and habits? Is there something beneficial in surrendering our wills to the Father? Could it be that He established fasting and a Sabbath rest for this very purpose – to bring our wills in line with His? You shall have no other gods before Me.




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