Thursday, June 15, 2006


What are the answers for today’s difficulties? How can we know the truth? What is the right way to go? When faced with the dilemma of life, it is easy to fall back on our intellect. Intellect is safe. It gives us the “security” that bad will not befall us. However, there is no such security.

Take the Church for instance, we can compare our doctrinal statements and debate our theological perspectives. For what reason? What purpose do we hope to gain? Are we looking for answers? Are we shoring up, making tidy, our box? It seems that a lot of what goes on is for the purpose of protecting one’s self rather than spiritual growth. We make ourselves the final authority.

I believe in black and white. I’m a concrete thinker in that sense. There is no relativism. It is not a matter of opinion and we cannot both be right. There is right; and there is wrong. There is Truth.

So what is the answer and who is right? Who determines this? I believe that there is an ultimate authority in the universe. His name is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is real and only His opinion counts. Everything else will fail. So how do we know what He thinks? I believe it is through the Spirit and the Word that we can come to know the truth. I believe God is a real person, who can and does communicate.

Our responsibility is to submit ourselves to Him and allow Him to show us the truth through Spirit and Word. I believe that we can come into agreement if we are submitted to Him. And the truth will always come to light. But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day. (Proverbs 4:18)
He is communicating every day. Are we listening?


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