So all these years later there has been an undercurrent of this negative belief about myself that has tainted my every experience. These are extremely deep roots. Several years ago, Father started working this out of me. Through my church body, the leadership, and several books Father started revealing to me that my identity is Jesus. Everything else is not failure it is only a mirage of the real and a reminder that only a relationship with Jesus can meet that deep need of measuring up and belonging – intimacy. The solution has been and will continue to be renewing my mind to the truth of who I am in Christ.
I woke up this morning with this story and others like it on my mind. I’ve been experiencing a lot of stress lately and have found myself trying to measure up but feel as if I’m lacking. My unconscious solution has been to work harder. I need something to work on to prove my worth – to prove myself successful. Even good things are bad when they lead us away from the awareness of Jesus our identity. But what happens is that the busyness of mind only reveals that life with Jesus is the real thing, the only thing. Everything else is only a pursuit of our heart’s cry which is intimacy with Jesus and others we are in relationship with. This is where “happiness” is found. This is where peace and contentment reside.
The true message that I didn’t get back then was that only valuing intimacy with Jesus counts, everything else doesn’t matter. Everything else only demonstrates our need for it.